Thursday, August 13, 2009

Great Expectations

"What cute things did Hannah do today?"
"Any Hannah stories?"
"How was Hannah's morning?"

These are the questions I often encounter when I speak with my mother. I can't really blame her for wanting the details on her only grandchild, but talk about pressure! Some mornings there are cute-at-the-moment moments that I forget about as soon as they've happened. Some mornings there are over-the-top cute/funny things to report. But not everyday. Some days, nothing cute happens at all. Some days we have just a normal, boring, everyone got out the door on time morning. And I'm so okay with this. But my mom, well, my mom wants daily cuteness alerts and I'm struggling.

I'm inviting you all to help me create some cute/funny things I can tell my mom that will amuse her and get her to understand that I CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE of a daily cuteness update. Because today, I'm gonna fail in answering her questions. I'm too tired and too achy from having had my face rocked off at last night's Green Day concert. So, a little help from my friends would be, um, helpful.

Here are a couple ideas to get you started.

1) Hannah was so cute this morning. She wanted to know if she should start Handel's Messiah piano or forte. I told her to give them both a shot and she decided that starting quietly and building up to an amazing crescendo would best showcase her operatic skills. (No critiques on if this is correct or not, people. I haven't performed this since high school and can't remember how it starts. Or ends. Or how it sounds in the middle.)

2) Hannah was so cute this morning. She was cooking us breakfast and threw an all out toddler-style hissy fit because her souffle fell when Angus barked at a squirrel. We've tried to warn her that souffles are difficult in this house, but that girl, she's just gotta figure it out for herself.

3) Hannah is so funny. She reversed the 52nd and 53rd decimal places of Pi this morning. Hahaha! That girl cracks me up.

And here's one from my friend, Vanessa.

Hannah just showed me her fully proofed mathematical equations to prove the imaginary number "I" exists!

Okay, your turn.

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